14 Oct Why Did You Get Up Today?
I have been leaping out of bed in the morning recently, not a state of affairs that is my default setting I have to add! There do seem to be a lucky few to whom this feeling is a natural constant but in my experience most of us go through patches where coffee crutches are required just to get into the day proper.
Don’t get me wrong I love what I do – putting world changing charities in touch with like minded fundraisers is as good as it gets for me – and the fact that I am currently working on a new project only adds to the fun of a new day at the mo (more on that in a few weeks time but fair to say I am MEGA excited).
But it has got me thinking about how to put this feeling into words. To help me I asked our fundraising friends on LinkedIn and Twitter a couple of questions:
• What is it that makes you get up everyday and do what you do?
• What words would you use to describe working in the charity sector?
Thanks as ever to all you who kindly took the time to reply – I wanted the feedback as I hope these words will help to form the foundation of the new project I have been creating.
The words that came back were powerful and inspirational and in turn are a great reminder as to why we get up every day and do what we do!
I have collected up some of the words people shared; I really couldn’t say it better:
“For me it’s about inspiration. Whether it is working to support inspirational people who are in difficult circumstances or working with inspiring people who think of new and inventive ways of raising money – day after day…”
“Challenging, rewarding, motivational, heartfelt, positivity”
“It’s the stuff of life! A privilege! Social responsibility and … the opportunity to work alongside people who are the salt of the Earth :-)”
“Transformational and force for good”
“Change. The social progress and a few pennies too!”
“it is about being able to give back to the community and seeing fundraising really changing someone’s life. Work-life balance for the first time after working in the TV industry for 8 years. It has been a breath of fresh air to work with like-minded people all with the same positive goals.”
“I’m a reformer and pioneer by nature, and believe in the power of people to come together to make great things happen. Charities are a fantastic example of seeing my values put into action every day. Being appreciated/paid for my heartfelt & skilled contribution too is important.”
“Working with amazing, kind-hearted people. Making a real impact. Getting to work alongside your beneficiaries (which I know isn’t possible with all charities but we’re able to) so you’re motivated every day to raise more funds to help more people. In all, as someone who initially worked in sales and never felt I fitted in, I found that working in the third sector is good for the soul. I can’t see myself ever leaving!”
“Belief, Change, Passion, Energy, Impact ……”
“Funding positive impact for the world, not shareholders’ pockets!”
“Belief in the cause!”
“Reward, passion, focus, empowering others, enabling.”
“Fun, challenge, support, fire in your belly!”
Please pass on the selection I have included above with anyone who is considering a career in fundraising, or with others who are already in the sector and are in a dip that only coffee can help – we all need a reminder from time to time that we are surrounded by like minded world-changers.